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About Us
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About Us
I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It's easy. this is a filler we need text to go here. this is a filler we need text to go here. this is a filler we need text to go here. this is a filler we need text to go here. this is a filler we need text to go here. this is a filler we need text to go here. this is a filler we need text to go here.
Roof Surveys And Documentation
Review any available construction drawings for the buildings. Prepare a Roof Plan Layout for each roof area to be surveyed.
Research any warranty and other pertinent information available pertaining to the existing roof systems.
Field Survey:
Meet with building personnel to identify roof leak problems.
Perform a thorough visual inspection of the field of roofs, flashings and all roof related sheet metal work. Note and document existing roof conditions.
Core the existing roofs as required to verify the composition of the existing roof system and roof deck substrate. Have samplings of the existing built-up roofing materials laboratory tested to determine their asbestos content.
Document any existing conditions above the roof lines which may affect the waterproof integrity of the building
Roof Inspection/Evaluation Documentation:
Prepare and maintain the following information for each building surveyed: (1) A Roof Plan Drawing showing roof area designations, and (2) A database format, compatible with the Facilities Engineering
Department’s existing data program listing the following information:
Building number/roof area designation
Approximate square footage
Roof type
Roofing material manufacturer
Roof warranty number
Warranty expiration date
Roofing Contractor
Installation year
Existing roof condition
Recommended action to be taken
Estimated roof repair cost
Projected roof replacement year
Estimated roof replacement cost